What is a Better Alternative for Renault Key Programming?

Autel MaxiIM IM508/IM608/KM100 tools have turned down almost all key programming functions for Renault/Dacia. What other better programmer alternatives are there that can perform Renault key programming (add key and all keys lost) ? What is the best value for money tool for Renault?


Here are some unbiased reviews:

Renault Key Programmers

AVDI Aribites:  it’s the best but expensive tool.  avdi is the safest and best tool and number one for Renault works great. Abrites is not cheap but for renault , fca and psa nothing is better.

Smart Pro: Smart pro is a good 2nd. Smart pro is good for Renault all keys lost. Far more stable on Renault. With smart pro you can also emulate a key using the adc2020. Smartpro does these Renaults without modifying the flash data. Smartpro would add a key to this in 2 minutes without a worry. And it is token based.

Launch X431: Launch has the same Renault coverage as Autel. But immo functions now require NASTF license (for North American users).

OBDSTAR: OBDSTAR has good coverage for Renault. obdstar according to the feedback it’s not super safe.  Obdstar has a back up option to but you need a strong internet and battery support, also the process takes upto 90 minutes this way.

Xhorse: Xhorse vvdi key tool plus and key tool max pro just released a small Renault coverage. Their Groundbreaking Renault update is a success and it is fast. It is a good backup tool for some Renaults. It will be better if they fill the gap for newer Renaults (Clio IV, V, Master 3 2020-, Duster PH3 2021-, etc)

Lonsdor: No many reviews. It works well with some old models. For example, Renault Clio 2 ,2006 Zedfull cannot read pin but Lonsdor add new key without pin successfully very quickly. Lonsdor may not work on some newer Renaults. So, there is not enough backward to judge.

Xtool: Xtool is good for Renault cards like Megane/scenic and laguna. Xtool is doing this easily.



There is always a backup and often a better solution. It depends on how many cars you do per month so you can calculate if the tool pays for itself.

Order of reliability: Abrites>Smartpro>Renolink>obdstar>xhorse>lonsdor/xtool

Anyway, one tool cannot all.



Related reading:

Lonsdor vs Autel vs Xtool vs Zed-Full vs Smart Pro

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