How to Install and Update Original Tango Key Programmer Software?

Here’s the step-by-step installation and update guide of original Scorpio-LK Tango key programmersoftware.



Operating system:  WinVista, WinXP, Win7, Win8, Win10

*Tango Driver V4 WinVista, Win7 requires Microsoft security update, Win8 and Win10 requires update Tango RFID.




Original Tango software download

Tango software 1.116.rar

Tango driver v4


Windows XP installation is easy. Similar procedure as Win8/Win10, but does not require update Tango RFID.

How to Install & Update Tango key programmer software on Win8/Win10?


Download Tango latest Setup Software V1.106

Install Tango Sofware Win10 2
Unextract software and run install 1.106.exe

Install Tango Sofware Win10 3
Select setup language

Install Tango Sofware Win10 4
Install Tango setup wizard

Install Tango Sofware Win10 5
Select destination folder: (Default : My Computer > Local Disc(C:) > Program Files (x86) > Tango Scorpio-LK).

Install Tango Sofware Win10 6
Select Start menu folder

Tick Create desktop shortcut

Install Tango Sofware Win10 7
Press Install
Setup installation completed.
Launch Tango software
If gives error Tango not detected, check USB connection, you didn’t install driver

Install Tango Sofware Win10 8
Open C:/Program files/Tango Scorpio-LK driver folder

Install Tango Sofware Win10 9

Go to Device Manager-> Other devices->Tango RFID->Update driver

Install Tango Sofware Win10 10
search for driver location C:/Users/technical/Desktop/driver

Install Tango Sofware Win10 11
install Tango programmer driver

Install Tango Sofware Win10 12
Windows has successfully updated your driver

Install Tango Sofware Win10 13

Run Tango software shortcut on desktop as Administrator

Install Tango Sofware Win10 15
Tango will auto prompt new software upgrade, press Update

Install Tango Sofware Win10 16

Update OK

Go oto Help menu->Updates to check newest software and hardware version

Install Tango Sofware Win10 17

Press Check Update

Select all available online update and press OK

Install Tango Sofware Win10 18

Downloading upgrade files

Install Tango Sofware Win10 19

Update completed.

Your Tango programmer is now ready for work!

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