Autel IM608 Chevrolet Onix Asks for Security Verification Code?

Question: I’m programming this key of a Chevrolet Onix with Autel IM608 but I can’t keep going. I get this rolling code.  Where can i get the body module security verification code?
Autel Chevrolet Onix Verification Code
Autel can do these. If you call tech support and are using the CAN fd adapter they will remote in and do everything themselves then turn the final part back over to you to finish. They have done several of them for me and all has worked great.
Or get Gds2 with real mdi2 or x300 dp plus/x300 pro4 with can fd adapter.
The cheapest solution x300 pro4.
obdstar does it right from the tablet, easy with CAN FD adapter.

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