VVDI2+ Autel IM508 Program Audi A3 2009 All Keys Lost by OBD

Audi a3 2009 1.9tdi all keys lost is done with Xhorse VVDI2 and Autel IM508.


Got the 6 CS bytes from vvdi2 and got the 7th with autel with the apb112 emulator.

Read 6 of the cs bytes and PIN code with vvdi2,then used the autel to search for the 7th byte all lost keys in expert section using the app112 emulator.

All by OBD.

Autel Im508 Audi A3 2009 Akl 2

Autel Im508 Audi A3 2009 Akl

Read also:

Autel IM508/IM608 Find Audi A3 04-13 AKL 7th Byte via OBD

You can also take cluster out,write service mode on eeprom, put cluster in car read immo data,write back original eeprom via obd,make dealer key and learn keys.

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